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Re: Burl's a bugger!
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>> There's the small matter of the vikings

95% of the Vikings in Ireland were traders. They ransacked the abbeys and then settled down quite nicely and traded.

>> then the normans

Let's face it the English toffs WERE/ARE normans :-)

>> the plantations of the north was mainly done by the
>> scots.

Given to them by? Oh yes, the English.

>> There's a Dutch prince in there somewhere.

Yep, the crown of ENGLAND was settled in Ireland at the Battle of the Boyne

>> To lay the misfortunes of Ireland soley at Englands door
>> is a tad nieve.

No it isn't.

Until Cromwell came over there was a population of around 10 million. After the great potato famine there were less than 3 million. Who forced the Irish to live on ONLY potatoes? The English did.

It's like saying the Welsh/Scots problems are not to be blamed on the English because the Romans once fought them! Or that you can't blame the Yanks for the problem in Afghanistan because the Russians were there last and Alexanda the Great once went there.

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Posted by FourWinds
27th October 2003ce

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Re: Burl's a bugger! (fitzcoraldo)

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Re: Burl's a bugger! (Shestu)
Re: Burl's a bugger! (fitzcoraldo)
Re: Burl's a bugger! (nickbrand)

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