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terylene purse
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Hey !

That rude definition took me at least two minutes. The banked enclosure, near the middle of the Holymire circle, falls into my own definition of a henge - I've only ever found one - simply because of the bank and the suggestion (to me) of the remnants of a ditch. Squabbling over which pigeonhole it fits into is futile while the owner is hovering with a JCB. My suggestion (and a male person inevitably becomes more right wing as they age !) is to avoid anti-rectilineal prejudice.

To make things worse I include the modern structures known as sheepfolds within the henge tradition. No ditch, within or without, and a stone wall instead of a earthen bank, but a similar potential function (whatever it was) now that wolves, rustlers and foxes have all been eliminated. They are actually more based on the roundhouse tradition - but never mind.

I have a more controversial (and much smaller) site still unposted. It is Halloween week !

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Posted by BlueGloves
27th October 2003ce

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silken purses. (fitzcoraldo)

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