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Re: What is a Henge?
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Henges come in many different sizes and have 8 basic classification types. I doubt that they had one definative use apart from to create a space where activites, both spiritual and secular could take place.
I like to think of them geneally in terms of a parish church. The church normally has three distinct spaces, the church itself, the church hall and the church yard. The church is the house of god and given over to spiritual matters, the yard is the house of the dead and a place where your ancestors are remembered, the church hall is often the focus of the parish, especialy in rural communities, with lots of community based activities taking place within its walls such as, parish meetings, fairs, youth clubs, parties etc.
I think henges could have functioned in the same secular/spiritual way and been a focus for community life.
If you want to look into henges at greater depth, you must look at each one individually.

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Posted by fitzcoraldo
26th October 2003ce

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Re: What is a Henge? (Earthstepper)

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Re: What is a Henge? (Moth)
Re: What is a Henge? (nickbrand)

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