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Re: What is a Henge?
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I can never understand the difference between henge and stone circle, but found this dictionary ref; Henge, a ritual enclosure, usually circular or nearly so, consisting of a bank and ditch with one or two opposing entrances. The bank is usually outside the ditch, and excavations at major henges such as Durrington Walls and Mount Pleasant have shown that substantial circular timber buildings once stood in the interior. Henges are especially common in the lowland south and east of England, but are also found in the further west and north where they sometimes enclose a stone setting............. Henges differ from stone circles in that the height of the surrounding bank will in most cases have created an enclosed space, hidden from the outside world, to which entry might have been allowed only to special individuals or on special occasions. "Penguin Archaeology Guide"

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Posted by moss
26th October 2003ce

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What is a Henge? (dizzyfunk)

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