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The Thornborough Henges
Re: Thornborough awareness - the next phase
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Clearly we can be assured that the current pre application investigation will uncover anything that might be even of slight importance.

To those who may be concerned that some features, initially thought to be of minor value may become more important due to later discoveries can also be assured that any archaeology likely to be destroyed by the quarry will be subject to a "full archaeological investigation", thus preserved by record for future investigations. The value of this was recently demonstrated admirably - During investigations into pit alignments which possibly have relationships with the henges it was discovered that two pits had been uncovered during the construction of a quarry road within metres of the northern henge. As with all such things, these had been the subject of a detailed and meticulous archaeological survey. Unfortunately, the physical location of these pits was not recorded in sufficient detail to allow them to be used as evidence in the investigation.

So, I say to all of you, be assured, The archaeology of North Yorkshire is in safe hands. Under NYCC's curatorship;

1. Any nationally important archaeology will be physically preserved.
2. Detailed and thorough pre application investigations will fully arm the planning committee with a firm knowledge of the archaeological potential of the area.
3. Any archaeology of a more minor nature will be fuly archaeologically investigated and the results recorded in detail for future generations.

In many ways, I'm sure you will agree, the destruction of archaeology by quarry is a good thing, since it allows us to gain a detailed picture of how life used to be, and the scrutiny of North Yorkshire County Council ensures any archaeology of even regional value, is preserved for the benefit of all.

The "Flag Fen of the North" is to be turned into an extensive water park, assuming simeone comes forward with the money.

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Posted by BrigantesNation
17th October 2003ce

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Re: Thornborough awareness - the next phase (BrigantesNation)

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