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Avebury & the Marlborough Downs
Re: In a nutshell from the BBC...
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"These massive stones, which each weigh between 10-60 tons, were dragged to the site using wooden sledges by men, teams of oxen and horses. The heavy stones would have then been hoisted upright into pre-dug holes with wooden levers and ropes. This would have been a painstakingly slow process, as any mistakes could have resulted in tragedy. In order to keep the stones steady, chalk was packed around the base of the stones and compacted down. Considering that this entire process was conducted using simple tools, it is conceivable that it may have taken up to a year to erect one of the larger stones."

Hmm... Are they in for a surprise, or what, when Gordon does his stuff?

I did notice at the bottom the following disclaimer:

"Most of the content on h2g2 is created by h2g2's Researchers, who are members of the public. The views expressed are theirs and unless specifically stated are not those of the BBC."

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Steve Gray
Posted by Steve Gray
14th October 2003ce

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In a nutshell from the BBC... (PaulMakesMusic)

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A small spanner (FourWinds)

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