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Tre Wallter Llwyd
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Ignore what I said about the grid refs, I've checked them and Bennett's seems to be most accurate at SE08974393 (just in case you don't find your copy), the others are just rounded up or down, putting it anywhere in a 200m square.
Hmm, not sure if I would say it was worth a visit if you're expecting to see anything definite, I was just fishing for a second opinion ;-) There's a small pile of boulders that may or may not be the remains of the circle, if you have a look at Paul Kenyon's page at

they're shown in the photo on there and the info says the circle was on the other side of the fence - which is the empty field in my photo. I'm guessing that KK found the same set of boulders?
Anyway, if you go I'd be interested to know what you think.


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Chris Collyer
Posted by Chris Collyer
4th October 2003ce

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