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Tre Wallter Llwyd
Re: Pembrokeshire CC and Cadw
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May be too busy to go tomorrow, but we'll see....

I've got Paul Bennett's thang around somewhere - keep meaning to find it. Unlike me to misplace a book type thing. If I do have a chance to get up there tomorrow I'll try to find it before I set off!

There's been a new edition promised since Adam were a lad. Anyone know anything?

Hmm yeah KK, I know the area you mean - been past there billions of times. Actually, I work at the 'bottom' of York Rd. I've lived lotsaplaces in and around Leeds, but have never ended up out that way meself.



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Posted by Moth
4th October 2003ce

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Re: Pembrokeshire CC and Cadw (Kozmik_Ken)

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