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Re: My two cents (well... pence)
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Agreed with your point there Dog3000 BUT.....

This is sub-sliding away from the definitions of Capatilism per se, but what I think Lawrence is getting at here, (and might be the some of the essential 'stuff' informing Morfe's rhetoric) is the frustration and anger at how the US adminsistration has co-opted the language of "freedom" to define & justify any and every policy; be it military or economic.

I have to say it turns my guts to see that beady eyed coke headed dumb fucker to chuck around the phrases "Freedom" & "Democracy" (et al) as if they where some sovereign property of the goddam U S of A. It;s dangerous times when the leader of ONE nation, the most powerful nation on earth, is essentially defining 'freedom' via broadcast; what it is and how to use it, fight for it and defend it and expect the rest of the world to agree. In fact it seems to me that America is essentially following its consumerist instincts and branding freedom as a 'product' and whats more an American Product.TM

Cant help but think of Captain Freedom in the Running Man now ;^)

I know I;m not being particularly articulate (its late!) but I feel I have to say; can you please remind your president that he does not have a mandate on Freedom and/or democracy or any other affiliated terms? These are fluid, philosophical & yet possibly beautiful concepts and not (yet) owned by USA Freedom-2-U .Co?

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Moon Cat
Posted by Moon Cat
21st September 2003ce

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Re: the 'it' in bullshit (Dog 3000)

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