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Re: 3rd world birth rates
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Well "life expectancy" and "the economy" going up and down are two separate issues (in fact I don't believe the life expectancy over the last 20 years has gone down anywhere -- except maybe Afghanistan which has had anarchy and civil war thru the entire time period, and N.Korea where there is known to be a lot of starvation but no reliable way to get datta on the numbers).

(I really must watch it with the run-on sentences.)

Anyway, the economies in a lot of the world have been struggling since the mid/late 90's -- even for the richest there was a few trillion that vanished in a stock market bubble.

PS - might add Sudan to the list above, they've had a long bloody civil war and starvation as well.

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Posted by Dog 3000
11th September 2003ce

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Re: 3rd world birth rates (necropolist)

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Re: 3rd world birth rates (necropolist)

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