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Re: Nature
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Good point. What I meant by human 'nature', was in response to your 'we're just animals', and therefore limited to our environment. What is it about human nature that means we can destroy the whole world we live on? Does that mean we are smarter than animals? That seems to me against the natural order of things. I don't believe I have to subscribe to nihilism in order to maintain my views on evolution. As for being a religious nut, well, no. But I believe we are composed of more exotic stuff than just synapses etc, yet still subject to natural laws. But that's a whole debate not worth having here, and no-one can know the answer to such metaphysical ponderings. lets stick to what we can talk about. I'm amazed there aren't more bloody noses on this discussion board as it is! Onwards and upwards :-) (in a helical, natural kinda way)

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Posted by morfe lux
11th September 2003ce

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Re: Nature (Dog 3000)

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