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is started by either greed or need. I believe we have a big enough world and the intelligence to conquer at least one of those. unfortunately the one creates the other. And if it hasn't created it, it will certainly profit from it.

I don't believe that human nature is flawed, i think we are 'taught'. So many different systems (as you say) over history have created war, but they all have one thing in common and that's control.

Capitalism may be less controlling in many ways than state communism, and I'm not an advocate for either. I don't see why it has to be X or Y. Neither have done much to elevate the human spirit above the trough. The trough is easy ti fill, it's restrictions that are set in place by those that control that make the trough more easily filled by the controllers. Whether they are investors or dictators. Althogh I'm not a signed up Anarchist, i read all arguments, and this article struck home (how capitalism sets us against each other and then says competition is human nature)

Any comments appreciated, this is V Good discussion!

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Posted by morfe lux
10th September 2003ce

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Re: Marx again (Dog 3000)

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Re: War (Dog 3000)
Re: War & Human nature (necropolist)

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