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Born free.
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What a load of bollocks. Morelike born into someone else's pocket until I can either be 1. Lucky or 2. Clever and industrious enough to buy myself back, by which time I'll be 2/3rds of the way at least through my life. But now I'm told that I have to live in a box because the world isn't big enough to house my self-sufficiency, meanwhile Lord Fuck owns a space the size of London and shoots people if they walk on it, meanwhile he lives in a bigger box than me for the good of himself. They say (capitalists) that the 'free' world doesn't expect an individual to be another man's slave, or another man to be a slave of mine. What a fucking whopping lie!!!!

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Posted by morfe lux
10th September 2003ce

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Re: Marx again (morfe lux)

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Re: Born free. (Dog 3000)

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