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Re: Technology!
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Heh-heh. Nice.

Do not be ashamed of being called Luddite. If my vague grasp of the Industrial Revolution should be trusted, they were the few that had it sussed.

Technology is only bad when you look at how it is used.

Where the powerloom didn't result in the utopian happier healthier staff and higher output, it just led to the dark satanic mills. Similarly the wonders of modern communication now only means that with your mobile and laptop you're not expected to work smarter and less, but instead also on the way to the office. etc.

(Probably not the place to bring up my general enthusiasm for gm tech)

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Posted by anthonyqkiernan
9th September 2003ce

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Re: Technology! (morfe lux)

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Re: Technology! (morfe lux)

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