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Re: Technology!
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By the same token oil is not an energy supply but an energy storage device -- sun shines on earth, plants grow, animals eat plants, they die and sink into the bog to be dug up a million laters as "oil."

It all basically boils down to solar power, one way or another.

I am totally in agreement with you on investing in renewable and "alternative" energy sources.

I also have a lot of faith in technology to make things like fuel cells cost-effective (duh, otherwise why invest in developing them?)

Just think what technology has done for the world in the last 100 years . . . and if anything the pace of tech development is INCREASING . . . .

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Posted by Dog 3000
9th September 2003ce

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Re: Technology! (FourWinds)

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Re: Technology! (morfe lux)
Re: Technology! (FourWinds)

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