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The question of liquid cheese
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But what about people's freedom to choose? There are 1000's of different types of bread (I know we could bake them ourselves!) and does the People's Milk Board use non-intensive methods? Does it provide no-fat, half-fat and full fat milk? Does it deliver as well as produce? Who funds it's production? Do we need milk, is it one of life's daily necessities or have we adopted it as such in certain of our cultures??

But your idea of free food has set me thinking. All food could be free, unless it was prepared/cooked food. Food grown i the ground, an has done for all time, it's only in the relative last millisecond of our history we have adopted dependency to marketeers and producers.

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Posted by morfe lux
9th September 2003ce

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Re: What is better than Capitalism? (FourWinds)

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