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"Common ownership"?
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So if I open a bicycle factory a bunch of beaurocrats are going to tell me how many to make and where to send them? And of course money is abolished so my "needs" will be met (by who exactly?) no matter if I build bicycles or just sit around smoking herb all day. So why should I?

I "need" a new car and a big house! I "need" a 16-track recorder to replace my 12-track! But I am too busy jamming with my band to work at the bicycle factory. Music is a "product" too, innit?

If my conclusions are off the mark, you need to explain it better. Examples always help.

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Posted by Dog 3000
8th September 2003ce

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Re: "Natural capitalism"? (MonkeyBoy)

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Re: "Common ownership"? (MonkeyBoy)

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