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Re: Stone Shifting
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Yes it's got me baffled, I was baffled then and I'm baffled now. One point Nigel as we rowed it up the slope the stone was at all times parrall to the slope, it was not moved in a series of horizontal lifts. Therefore we were able to make as much ground as on level. It seems that the key to moving uphill is to ensure that forward movement is inciated as soon as possible after the stone is lifted clear of the ground. On the 4 ton stone I tried the time lapse in which to do this was small, that's why I used a brakeman. On a stone of 40 tons this time lapse could be much greater. It seems that the bigger the stone the more reluctant it is to move, but once moving the more difficult it is to stop.

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Posted by GordonP
24th August 2003ce

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Re: Stone Shifting (nigelswift)

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Re: Stone Shifting (nigelswift)

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