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Re: Stone Shifting
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Hi all.
Nigel I thought you would be out in the garden digging holes in the lawn.

I have a picture of the BBC Trilithon in front of me, It is part of a paper presented to the British Academy entitled "Science and Stonehenge" by Julian Richards and Mark Whitby. It was sent to me by Julian Richards in an attempt to get me to forget the silly ideas that tend to fly about in my head. Needless to say it didn't work, however the paper as been most useful.

Regarding the latest crazy notion, If we do it right and don't hit any unforseen problems we might even do it without burning the midnight oil.

This is how I see it, we start with the holes pre-dug (JCB) and the first of the uprights in position across its hole. At first light we start to elevate this stone working a two shift system say 2hrs on 2hrs off. If all goes well we should have this ready for planting well within 6 hrs. Then we move the next stone into its position (a distance of 30ft) Say 30mins, elevate and plant it, say 6hrs. 2 or 3 hours for the lintel, then its party time. Early rise next day and the whole group form a human heel stone at dawn.

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Posted by GordonP
23rd August 2003ce

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Re: Stone Shifting (nigelswift)

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Re: Stone Shifting (Steve Gray)

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