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Re: Stone Shifting
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I've only just picked up on this discussion, though I have emailed Gordon directly. So far I've only read about half of the previous postings, but I have no doubt that Gordon's method is viable and I take my hat off to him for his practical approach.

I would be very willing to get involved in any further demonstrations. I might even be able to help raise some funding. What about making it a charity event? My wife went on a trek on the Great Wall of China last year and raised over £3,000 in sponsorship, just from local businesses and friends. I'm sure if everyone on this thread got involved we could soon raise several thousand pounds. How about erecting a full-sized trilithon and give the surplus funds to a national charity? The charity organisation will have their own publicity network that can be brought to bear. If you get a good build up to the event it should make the national TV news. Then people should sit up and take notice.

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Steve Gray
Posted by Steve Gray
22nd August 2003ce

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Re: Stone Shifting (GordonP)

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Re: Stone Shifting (GordonP)

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