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Re: stones and people
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The point about the smaller population/effort only possibly applies to the Bronze Age monuments - stone circles, small tombs etc.

It has no effect on the likes of Newgrange which has nearly a quarter of a million tons of cairn rubble. Likewise the big long barrows have a lot of small rocks in them too.

500 tons of it (the quartz and granite facia) came from 100km away :-)

What has to be remembered is that most circles use reletively local stones. The blue stones are an amazing exception.

Nigel's extended raft idea is a good one. If you had two canoes with a raft across them, like a catamoran (sp?) you could easily drag them ashore, jack them up and remove the boats, lower them and carry on moving them. Nice!

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Posted by FourWinds
19th August 2003ce

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Re: stones and people (nigelswift)

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Re: stones and people (nigelswift)
Re: stones and people (GordonP)

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