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Re: Yay!
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From what I have seen of Stonehenge photographs (I have never been) I think the sarsen stones would not need a raft. Some of the bluestones might be difficult without one though.

As far as the weight of the raft is concerned the heavier the better, a few ton either way is immaterial. theoretically a big heavy load is easier in some ways. I would love to have a go at a replica of the Grand menhir Brise. What a challenge!!!

Concerning your growing insanity, I'll tell you a story you might find amusing. I was filling the mould for the 4 ton stone (in the back yard of some business premises I had at the time) when a voice from behind a wall asked,
"What are you making Gordon" it was my neibour Mick, who ran a car repair business.
"A concrete block"
"What for"
"So I can move it over there"
"Why don't you cast it over there"
"Cause when I've moved it over there I'm going to move it back again"
Total silence followed, after that I could swear he always looked at me strangely whenever we met.
Regards Gordon and don't let it worry you.

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Posted by GordonP
19th August 2003ce

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Re: Yay! (nigelswift)

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