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Re: Yay!
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It won't be easy, but being a chippy I could soon knock up a mould for a 10 ton concrete stone. We'll need some sponsership though, the mold and the ready mix would cost £500 min. Six levers another £150 and if we decided to erect the stone as well as move it we'll need to lift it 7ft into the air, that'll take a fair lorry load of timber. Then we'll need somewhere to perform, might be able to do it at the tramway museum where I work. I'll leave you all to think about it.
Regards Gordon

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Posted by GordonP
16th August 2003ce

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Yay! (morfe)

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Re: Yay! (morfe)
Re: Yay! (FourWinds)
Re: Yay! (GordonP)

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