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Re: Callanish by bicycle the easy way
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God! You make it sound so easy! I was looking into ferry prices and stuff today, as me and my daughter want to get away somewhere - just the two of us. She mentioned Scotland (Orkney actually as she wants to see Maes Howe and the Ring of Brodgar and to hear people talk like Cameron off Big Brother!) so I was wondering about driving there, or indeed to Callanish. Talk about rip-off prices. Jeez! So I looked at flights instead! which are even crazier money... <groan>. It's out of my financial reach. I'm not fit enough to cycle (I have a heart attack, for sure! - where do you put the ashtray on a bike?) and it wouldn't leave me enough time to paint.

I wish I had someone to share the travel costs with, but my daughter is only 13 and still (quite rightly) expects me to pay for everything.

It's *so* frustrating. Callanish and Orkney seem further away to me than anywhere else on this planet.

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Posted by Jane
9th July 2003ce

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