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Prospidnick Longstone
Re: Paging Mr McG!
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You are not going mad - It is definately under the wrong page

I spotted it a while ago and in my defence I plead 'fear of being a burden' - I had already asked Holy to change a few of my own mistakes (doh!) and didn't really want to hassle him for someone elses.

We have quite a lot of freedom over amendments to our own posts, pics and sites we've added ourselves, but I think Holy or goffik would have to alter this one (and I'm not sure if the person who adds the site - goffik in this case - has that power anyway??)

NB - goffik - I'm not criticising - I've done it as well and feel like de little fool!

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pure joy
Posted by pure joy
11th June 2003ce

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Paging Mr McG! (Moth)

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