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Re: Dead chuffed!
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Hehe yes he'd have been grateful for cake if I'd had any, but they'd just had their tea...
He came with Aron from Newcastle Uni and they had been at Weetwood and Fowberry all day and wanted to get home!
This stone was "rescued" from a storm beach so I felt justified in taking it, and he agreed. It's not as if it had been in it's original position. It's about 35cm in diameter and I carried it in a bag. You should have seen the bruises on my shoulders from the straps ;-)

He took a rubbing and some piccies and didn't stay long. But it was nice. I only got starstruck after he'd left...!

I will just go and post the rudiments on TMA, along with piccy. I will use the Lindesfarne co-ords but it isn't there now, of course ;-)


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Posted by pebblesfromheaven
5th June 2003ce

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Re: Dead chuffed! (Chris Collyer)

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Re: Dead chuffed! (Chris Collyer)

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