You know, I'm constantly proud to be associated with TMA... something which - particularly in this very cynical age - folks do simply because they WANT to, with no thought of material gain; because they care about what would otherwise slip through humanity's fingers if we, too, were not to give a damn.
2024, on a personal level, was pretty stressful, to be fair. Hey ho, shit happens. However, TMA has gone from strength to strength thanks to Holy's reboot (nice one Holy - you and Mr Cope should be proud of what you are doing here). So many new and obscure places are getting a shout-out where nothing existed before (try googling some and see TMA is the first, sometimes only hit).
So thanks all for what you do... and let's see a lot more in 2025. A number of us might need to try and find yet another gear... but for any younger folk out there, well, I envy you with such a blank canvas to be painted as you see fit. So much to be explored. Go for it!