Weird Walk


It's made me happy this morning to think that Stewart Lee had his copy of Mysterious Britain, likes the walking the weird ancient places, and I'd not be boring him to death if I waffled on about folklore. Who knew.

Yeah, he's down with the TMA kids. Perhaps he's one of us.

Just been reading that article and logged on here with the intention of sharing it. It made me happy too.

Stewart also mentions in his intro to the article one of my fav books of childhood and still really. Janet and colin Bord' Mysterious Britain. This was my 'in' to all things folklorie, megalithic and cryptozoology. My parents were not so accomadating in stopping for me have a mooch tho, and many a site was passed whilst I pressed my nose to the car window wistfuly. Made up for it since, and still carry a copy in the car (well when it's working) just in case.
Another book I loved from when I was in my mid teens was Origins of Britain by Lloyd and Jennifer laing. I guess a lot of the info dates and inferences are 'out-dated' but still a good in to the various ages of Britain, and can be had fer pennies (relatively speaking or £2.51 if you want exact amounts).

He also has written a foreword to the reissue of the books 'The Living Stones' and 'The Crying Of The Wind' by Ithell Colquhoun originally published in 1957 and 1955 respectively. He's long evidenced an interest in the Neolithic/Bronze Age. I've not read the latter but the former, which deals exclusively with Cornwall, is well worth anyone's time. They're published by Peter Owen Publishers in paperback, £9.99.

Stewart Lee interviews Julian Cope here.

Weird Walk stickers cropping up all over the place. Spotted one on Anglesey in the summer. Personally, I've loving this recent trend of TMA/pagan/metal/morris/folk/folk-horror crossover. It's making for a very vibrant community with a lot of new blood.