Full copy of "Megalith Research in the Netherlands, 1547-1911" by Jan Albert Bakker (2010), including plans of many of the Hunebeds.
360° photos of Nympsfield Long Barrow. Thanks to David Bailey for sending the link.
360° photos of Uley, thanks to David Bailey of the BBC for sending the link.
Video clips of Summer solstice 2008.
Stonehenge revellers cheer solstice sunrise
Thanks to Sharon Watson.
castlewales/euryn.com is a good site with a full account of the hill fort and history. [posted by skins].
Website of Native Woodland, who offer "Simple, natural burial sites througout the UK", including the site at Cothiemuir Wood.
[edited version of submission by NativeWoodland.]
TMA Ed hasn't added a profile