The Modern Antiquarian. Stone Circles, Ancient Sites, Neolithic Monuments, Ancient Monuments, Prehistoric Sites, Megalithic MysteriesThe Modern Antiquarian

Links by TMA Ed

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The Netherlands (Country)


Full copy of "Megalith Research in the Netherlands, 1547-1911" by Jan Albert Bakker (2010), including plans of many of the Hunebeds.

Nympsfield (Long Barrow)

BBC Gloucestershire

360° photos of Nympsfield Long Barrow. Thanks to David Bailey for sending the link.

Hetty Pegler's Tump (Long Barrow)

BBC Gloucestershire

360° photos of Uley, thanks to David Bailey of the BBC for sending the link.

Stonehenge (Circle henge)

ITV Local: Meridian & Thames Valley

Video clips of Summer solstice 2008.

Stonehenge revellers cheer solstice sunrise

Thanks to Sharon Watson.

Bryn Euryn (Hillfort)

Castles of Wales

castlewales/ is a good site with a full account of the hill fort and history. [posted by skins].

Cothiemuir Wood (Stone Circle)

Native Woodland - Natural Burial Sites

Website of Native Woodland, who offer "Simple, natural burial sites througout the UK", including the site at Cothiemuir Wood.

[edited version of submission by NativeWoodland.]
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