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Rasett Hill

Round Cairn


If you want an eagle's eye view of the surrounding valleys, this is place to go.
You can see this cairn off the A685 between Kirkby Stephen and Tebay. When you get to the top of Ash Fell - the big hill outside of Kirkby - look out towards the north. I've been driving past here virtually every day for years and meaning to stop and have a I'm glad I finally did. Theres a handy place to pull off the road next to a gate onto the moor towards the cairn. Then maybe a 10 minute walk to the cairn. The views are absolutely fantastic. I hope someone goes up with a panoramic camera and posts some pics here.
Spotted all sorts of places - Gamelands clearly seen with binoculars, and im pretty sure you could see long meg herself from up here if you had enough magnification. My advice - dont drive past - Stop !
Creyr Posted by Creyr
16th January 2006ce

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