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Old Oswestry



Old Oswestry Hillfort - Caer Ogyrfan under threat

Many of you have visited this this site and I thought you should see this breaking news. The site is unique, it is large, impressive, and has features which are not found on any other Iron Age site anywhere. It is not too strong to say that it is among the UK's top 5 Iron Age sites and is of international importance. Despite being very close to the town and visible from the A5, by a happy accident of topography, it has a strong sense of isolation.

BUT, it is under threat from housing development. The man who owns the land which skirts the fort to its south east, has proposed it for development and there is imminent danger that the site will be included in the local SAMDev document.

If you want to know more, then you might like to visit: and follow the internal links

If you feel strongly enough about it you might like to sign the petition at:
Posted by jas davidson
13th August 2013ce
Edited 13th August 2013ce

Comments (1)

Thanks so much for posting this and the petition. I was born and bred in Oswestry and I'm totally disgusted at reading this. At the same time it's a depressingly familiar theme... jones-y-gog Posted by jones-y-gog
18th August 2013ce
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