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tv license rant /the bastards
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excuse me everyone if this is an old issue that has been hashed over before.I gotta get it out of my system.I think this fee is antiquated and absurd and deserves to go the way of the 'window tax'.Un be fuckin lievable!!!
I live in West Belfast which is notorious for its' license evaders as the tvla got the shit beat out of them when they came in.Recently a detector van showed up in Twinbrook and was wrecked by local youths.apparently these vans cost quite a few quids,like in the region of a quarter mill.So lesson learned, these fly bastards have come up with a stealth plan.I've been getting letters for well over a year,straight into the fire they go,and rightly so.However yesterday these fascist twats showed up at my door in a civilian car with 2 snoops in it,protected by 2 police jeeps cruising up and down the street and around the area.Needless to say I didn't answer the door to these dodgy looking characters but now they know I have a satellite dish and will no doubt be hounding me.

Just did a bit of research and found out about Jonathan Miller who I believe writes in The SundayTimes and is taking the tvla to court after he publicly declared that he wouldn't be paying.
This is some scary shit for real.Does everyone realise that more women are jailed for tv license evasion than any other 'crime'.This has got to be stopped,this law is barbaric.They could just reduce the fee to a reasonable level or do what the publicly supported channels in America do and hold a Telethon to raise funds.

Article 10 of the European Convention on Human Rights states that "Everyone has the right to freedom of expression. This right shall include freedom to hold opinions and to receive and impart information and ideas without interference by public authority and regardless of frontiers."

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the bastards........grrrrrrr

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Posted by Alabama 3
27th February 2003ce

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