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Re: Pipe bombs in America
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nigelswift wrote:
History is absolutely stuffed full of lone nutters or pairs of them with no-one helping them. Every school shooter for a start.

(Damn! I just wrote a load and my battery conked and it didn’t save..haha

I’ll try again but it’s a bit like when somebody says ‘pardon’ after you’ve said don’t repeat with quite the same feeling...)

Fair comment, but with respect we don’t know that for sure do we?
Would it be more accurate to say that ‘The Media’ is stuffed full of stories of lone nutters? Do they always tell the truth or what they want you to believe. If the powers that be can control our ‘perseptions’ of what’s going on then they can just do as they please? And feed us BS. I’m sure there are many good reporters out there but when it comes to the crunch the worlds media is run by very few people at the top.
Delve deeper, away from mainstream and listen unbiasedly to what alternative sources have to say and a different picture starts to emerge, and it’s a rather unsettling one.

Conspiracy ‘culture’ has in recent years hit the mainstream and it makes me wonder who’s really pushing all this stuff out...If authorities can’t control ‘the truth’ about certain things coming out over the internet what they do is just make lots of ‘noise’ which has a camouflageing effect on the good stuff..the worlds flat..hmmm oh yeh..not.

Just look at what has happen to our schools..many resembling an open prison these days where children have to give a fingerprint at the library to take a book out or to eat a school meal..I’m all for safety first but really?

Problem, reaction, solution...covertly create a problem...steer public ‘this is horrifying something should be done even though it might be to the detriment of ‘freedoms’ and the come in with a preplanned soultion..something which you want to happen anyway but couldnt introduce because the ‘climate’ ie public opinion wasnt right. It’s the oldest trick in the book!

I’ve just re watched ‘Kill Jill The Dando assassination explained’ Its a very well put together and reasearched film. Maybe watch the first five mins? The thing is even if the explanation isn’t correct potentially it could happen. Some people will stop at nothing to get their way.
The 2000 anti terror act would not have gone through without these three bombs in the capital 1999. It’s suggested that Dando was privy to info (through her links with crime watch) that the security services were ‘steering’ the bomber David Copeland. Incidentally Columbine was practically the same week!! Incidentally didn’t one of the perpetrators shoot himself...twice in the head?..Hmmm.
Dando was shot after the first (or maybe second bomb went off) and dead before the last one exploded. Did she know too much? I find this kinda thing fascinating because it cuts right across our ‘goodies and baddies’ conditioning...The native Americans were all uncivilised savages weren’t they?

Who are the real pervayors of terror?
And no, I don’t listen to David Icke! He said a few good things early on but no..I reckon he’s not what he appears to be..state asset?

It’s all upside down and back to front imo Nigel, best wishes

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Posted by Amil04
27th October 2018ce

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Re: Pipe bombs in America (nigelswift)

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