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Re: The art of negotiation
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I don't think EU negotiations are going be conducted in the style of a Telegraph journalist, it's all a lot more grown up than that. Besides which, there will be negotiating teams on both sides, they're not going to have the EU leaders arm wrestling each other against the clock.

May is still claiming no deal is better than a bad deal, despite the fact that pretty much everyone with any idea about economics and security has said clearly and repeatedly that the worst deal of all would be no deal. She is approaching it as an aggressor, which will end very badly. It's in both the UK and EU's interests to get the best deal they can in the circumstances.

The idea that Corbyn is going to go there deliberately with a view to getting "the worst deal at the highest price" (as May said) is laughable.

Personally I will vote for the best candidate where I live, which sadly is not Labour round here. It's probable that Corbyn and Labour will still lose overall, but it seems less and less likely that May is going to get the enormous landslide that she has wasted all this money on in calling a wholly unnecessary election. Personally I hope the English are brave enough to see that there is a genuine chance to change the direction that this country is going in, maybe the only genuine chance for another generation. It's certainly the first time in my voting life that there has been a genuine choice and this will be the sixth general election I've voted in.

Another five years of Tory austerity is going to kill a lot of people though and bring misery to millions more. If you have any sympathy to offer, that's where it should be going. I won't welcome it nor do I need it. The last time round your sympathy amounted to telling everyone who didn't vote the same as you that they were losers and should shut up and get over it.

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Posted by thesweetcheat
30th May 2017ce

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Re: The art of negotiation (Sanctuary)

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