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Re: Trees and stones with powers to throw? Dowsing
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Sanctuary wrote:
Ok, today I revisited King Arthurs Hall, a retangular banked enclosure lined internally with standing stones. Here is an aerial pic I took of most of it...[...]_Dd7aW8zAE#5746135779312842226

Accompanying me was a dowser friend who had no idea where I was taking her to and had never visited the site before and hadn't even heard of it so it turned out.

How do we prove that? Is it impossible your friend never, say, fifteen years ago watched a TV program about "Ancient Mysteries" that included KAH, and has subsequently mostly, but not entirely, forgotten it?

Sanctuary wrote:
We entered the enclosure and stood on the bank at the southern end. I then asked her if she would dowse for a true equilateral triangular stone and not an isosceles one as they were obviously still standing whilst the former would lie buried somewhere if there.
With that she sat down on the bank and drew out a rectangle on a piece of paper she had brought with her. I asked her why she was doing that and she said she would swing a pendulum over it instead of walking around the site. That sort of threw me a bit as I was expecting her to get out her dowsing rods and walk around the stone settings!
So, I left her to it and wandered around taking pix and a vid but didn't disturb her.

Not intentionally, of course. But is it impossible that she didn't, out of the corner of her eye, and not conciously, notice you looking at certain stones or places?

Sanctuary wrote:
Half an hour later I noticed she had stopped playing around with the pendant thing so went back to her. She had put various x's on the drawing and some writing underneath it.
Firstly, she said there were two tri stones on the eastern flank and both were buried. She had marked their position on the drawing. I asked her how she knew that and the reply back was that she'd been 'told'!
Told by who I asked? Her spirit guide was the answer. Yep, that's what I thought :-)
I'd asked her nothing else but she went into details of her own. The 'hall' had never been roofed and it was not a reservoir! It had been excavated in three levels and was shelved. She said it was a 'Meeting place for humans and not for Cock Fighting' (where the hell did that come from??). It was just over 6,000 years old and had the remains of a woman in the north east corner that had died during the build.

OK, here's where the rubber hits the road. Research all the literature published on the site and confirm that NONE of it mentions multiple levels, cock fighting or a burial. Commision a thorough archaeological dig and confirm that the site was originally on multiple levels and contains a burial in the place predicted.

Case for dowsing closed.

Sanctuary wrote:
That was it, nothing else. Here's a pic of the NE corner...[...]sIrU4ZnKVQ#5746139734924285026

So, with trepidation I began my search for the two tri stones. I started looking for the one supposed to be nearer the centre of the eastern flank but gave up because it would be a major excavation job as most of the stones have fallen and are completely buried (oh that was another thing, ALL the original stones are still there apparently!!).
So I then moved toward the SE end and immediately spotten the tip of a prostrate stone showing out of the turf. On this photo you will see what was already showing by the contrasting darker discolouration which was where the turf was covering it. I hadn't noticed it two weeks ago when I first visited, but then I wasn't looking! Out came the trowel and after a bit of careful 'gardening' this was the result![...]ZP7uMft6wE#5746134518531336946

I only went back an acceptable amount with the cutting back but as you can see, either a tri stone or the corner of a rectangular stone revealed itself. I ran a probe in alongside both edges where still covered and they continued to be continuing outwards. I'll leave it to you to decide.

To me, meaningless. Nice picture of the alleged triangular stone, but of course not proved to be such. And now, no way to prove you didn't spot it before, and she didn't notice you doing that. Oh well.

All in all, an interesting experiment illustrating the pitfalls of investigation of paranormal phenomena and the ways they could, potentially, be proved. Thanks immensely for the report!

I really hope my cutting in the quoting system works! No way to preview that I know of...::crossing fingers::...

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Posted by BuckyE
25th May 2012ce

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