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White Cow
Re: Is it a white cow when you're not looking?
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OOOOOOOH! Looked up the name and can see what you mean. I think I've read some stuff Adam Watson wrote about grouse from my library. Bird lore interests me but I ended buying a book by Robin Hull on Scottish Birds and Folklore instead, as it covered all the Scottish species, not just the one.

I was still married last time I visited that area; my husband didn't much like me chatting to complete strangers in pubs, even if it was just to find local storytellers to swap stories with. It's great when you do get a chat with one though, huh? I'm like a kid completely engrossed when I hear a good storyteller. Doing bus tours to the highlands for a year was actually really good for me. A lot of the people in the tourist industry had lots to swap when they knew you had a real interest, not just touting the Scotland the Shortbread Tin stuff as a job. Especially if you have something to offer on the subject in return, and they know you won't be using it without asking, and then only in your own style, not theirs. Didn't get to sit in many pubs to meet any storytellers on the bus tours, though, just in the attractions really. Apart from the not drinking even one when I'm driving, being single again means I don't really have the confidence to go into pubs alone when I'm on holiday or touring anywhere. Next year I'm doing week long tours where we will all go out together, though, so I'm looking forward to that.

Next stop, library catalogue, to see what they have by Adam Watson on folklore though..... I'm loving this site, it's really expanding my interests... thanks guys

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Posted by Branwen
25th September 2009ce

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