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The other day in a union meeting we were going through letters from people seeking a nomination to seats on various national committees. And one of them had various grammatical errors, and I pointed it out because I thought it looked unchecked and like they didn't really care. I was rapidly and probably rightly put in my place -"there are many reasons why someone might not have high standards of written English, Rhiannon." Indeed, like problems when they were at school, or it being their second language, or they have dyslexia or something.

But sometimes, like
"on you're side now"
do you wonder if it's just because they're too much of a dolt. And then what are other people supposed to conclude about the political opinion being put forward. I suppose grammar nazis are part of the metropolitan elite and their so-called experts. We shouldn't let Europe tell us how to spell things, the bastards.

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Posted by Rhiannon
19th February 2017ce

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HEY REMAINERS!!!!!! (karmageddon)

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Re: HEY REMAINERS!!!!!! (nigelswift)
Re: HEY REMAINERS!!!!!! (thesweetcheat)

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