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Re: I'm so confused.....
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Sorry, but that's utter nonsense! And yes I'd love to ask the parents and people in Paris, who have been standing side by side with Muslims in solidarity what they think!

Maybe that's something you need to understand, just because you blindly hate something it doesn't make you right!

EDIT: I agree that the people who did this need to be dealt with but reducing ourselves to their level isn't going to love the problem. If we can't use intelligence and common sense then we've got no hope!

As I aid before just because they call themselves Islamic it doesn't mean they're Muslim, and indeed they're not. Really don't care whether you believe me or not, however here's Didier Francois, an ISIS hostage who states they didn't even have the Qur'an! Now, what with you being the expert on Islam you will know that any Muslim must be knowledgable about the scriptures, therefore will have a Qur'an. I don't know one genuine Muslim who doesn't, and if you know any then neither will you![...]up-for-more-than-10022291.html[...]orld/amanpour-didier-francois/

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Posted by Captain Starlet
15th November 2015ce

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Re: I'm so confused..... (billding68)

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Re: I'm so confused..... (billding68)

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