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Re: Eight bronze age boats nearly chopped
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Will have to get contact information and permission to quote/pass along, but in the meantime...

Loie and I were at a wedding this past weekend and met someone involved with Flag Fen, who was excited about the boats and happy to meet someone with an existing interest in prehistory. (Seemed from the conversation most folks she talks to about her work glaze over.)

We were told the non-chopping method adpted at FF was unorthodox: standard practice is to (can't quote exactly, but this conveys the concept) "dismantle and reconstruct."

Interesting. Please remember old, soggy, rotten wood is going to be fragile. I'd assume dismantling has been believed to ensure the least possible accidental damage. Probably through difficult experience.

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Posted by BuckyE
21st June 2013ce

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Eight bronze age boats nearly chopped (Littlestone)

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