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Re: Unexplained uneasy feeling
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tjj wrote:
Evergreen Dazed wrote:
CARL wrote:
A couple of years ago my 'better half' had a similar experience at West Kennet Long Barrow. While myself and Dafydd happily wandered about inside she took one step inside and literally ran out. She said she 'sensed' the spirts of people and that we shouldn't be in there. Karen is sensitive to such things although it has never happened to me.
We have visited many burial chambers over the years and rarely will she step inside one due to the 'feelings' she gets. The few she has is because she says there is nothing to 'sense' at those sites.

More recently, on Orkney, I was in Minehowe with Dafydd and he was very uneasy and wanted to get out asap. Dafydd has been in many burial chambers etc and has never been like this before (or since). This was the site Tony Robinson with Time Team couldn't wait to get out of. Although I was not like that there was certainly something 'different' about the atmosphere inside Minehowe.

Interesting. I've read quite a few accounts of people having experiences at WKLB. I've always wanted to be up there at twilight but never had the chance. Not sure i'd want to be in one of the chambers at that time though.

A swallow once flew out at speed as I entered a chamber there, right past my head. One moment that eerie silence, then a noise and this black object flying at me!
Luckily theres a couple of clothes shops in Marlborough, so I was able to get a change of pants.

Hahaha! There are a couple of clothes shops in Marlborough aren't there (most of them well out of my price range). What sort of black object? A bat maybe, if it was dusk?
A few years back I walked up there one morning - a wren flew out, sat on one of the entrance stones and seemed to watch me for a while before flying off - which was sort of magical. I know quite a few people who have had some sort of 'unexplained uneasy feeling' inside WKLB - I'm not one of them as I rarely go inside. It really does feel a bit spooky, I put that down to suffering from claustrophobia.

The black object was the swallow June!
And yes, Marlborough is a bit on the pricey side. Nice place though.
I sometimes stay at the Merlin when I come down to Avebury, not expensive but comfortable and right on the high st. Not too far to stagger home from the pub. :)

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Evergreen Dazed
Posted by Evergreen Dazed
17th August 2012ce

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