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Re: Unexplained uneasy feeling
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Is there spirit when there is no one to experience it ? It is Sunday after all.....

Well as it is sunday, religious contemplation of one's navel is allowed ;)
As to spirit not being present when there is no human consciousness to experience it, (you've go to admit that's a difficult one) I'm not sure, I could argue that the Earth has a consciousness which allows it to create the ecosystem in which we all live, but thats a bit gaian when we know that our system has come into being through evolution.
But that the 'system' might involve a higher consciousness that allows the more primitive part of our brains to 'tune in' to other worlds riding side by side with our physical world is possible....
Don't strain my brain though..

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Posted by moss
10th July 2011ce

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Re: Unexplained uneasy feeling (tiompan)

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