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Re: What's acceptable when interacting with sites?
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"if we want freedom of access to stones on farm land we should be prepared to abide by the rules!"

Quite. And one of them is that occasionally a landowner will say no, for their own reasons, perhaps very good and heritage-friendly ones, and will have a legal right to do so. All this "right of access to stones" talk is an aspiration, or wishful thinking but it doesn't actually exist in law and it's hard to see how you would draft it sensibly. If you live in a house once lived in by Dickens should the law give people the right to climb over your fence and into your garden? The Law of Property is complex and we all benefit from it so are we to say just a bit of it, where old stones are involved, should be amended to suit our particular hobby? I can just see the next cry: "It's everyone's heritage so there should be Freedum to metal detect"!


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Posted by nigelswift
18th May 2011ce

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