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Re: Back on topic, sort of
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>Outside of TNA, how many families do you know that spend weekends hiking, and exploring the countryside and picking up bags of litter? Not many I bet. <

erm, quite a few actually - most of my social circle. And they don't feel the need to leave anything behind either. As for far too many kids sitting in front of the TV, what is wrong with just going out for a walk, or to visit somewhere? why this continual insistance that it is necessary to have a physical cache? talk about a blind spot. it strikes me that needing the excuse of hunting for a little box in order to get out of the house is a bit sad really. OK, so some ppl might think it sad that I (generally) like to choose an ancient site to visit when I go out for a walk - but having to go on a treasure hunt to see the countryside - perlease! I'm getting pretty sick of this total obtuseness and refusal to understand the possible environmental impact of leaving these boxes all over the shop, hidden or not. Not to mention the possible damage caused by ppl looking for them, which seems to have been conveniently forgotten.


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Squid Tempest
Posted by Squid Tempest
24th January 2003ce

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Back on topic, sort of (Reluctant Defender)

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Crossover (FourWinds)
Re: Back on topic, sort of (lobsterboy)
Re: Back on topic, sort of (shep)
Re: Back on topic, sort of (Reluctant Defender)

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