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Re: CS Gas at Peaceful Protest
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Vybik Jon wrote:
Grufty actually said, "I'm not talking to you"? Really?

I'll accept the evidence if it's there, but it's a very un-Grufty phrase. If you're summarising a longer thread down to "I'm not talking to you", that's poor.

Needless to say, Vybik, that's not actually what I said. But the thread has dropped off the end of the Village Pump (probably a good thing) and I honestly don't recall the exact words that were used.

It was during that long and confrontational discussion about democracy... we eventually got to the point where keith had said that if I didn't participate in democracy that I should "shut the fuck up" about it (again, I won't swear those were the actual words used as I don't really remember, but it was along those lines and that phrase comes to mind when I try). I responded by suggesting that clearly any further discussion wasn't going to get us anywhere and that while keith was free to reply, I would do my best to ignore him.

And as it happens, I actually meant that I would no longer engage with him specifically on that thread/issue rather than a blanket "I'm not talking to you" (though I perhaps didn't make that clear).

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Posted by grufty jim
10th February 2011ce

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Re: CS Gas at Peaceful Protest (Vybik Jon)

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