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Re: Line of sight calculator
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Sanctuary wrote:

Whilst we are discussing the henge bank I'd like to thow open a question. Dunno if it's been asked before but do you think it's possible that the bank was never intended to be an important part of the overall plan? Before everybody says what a daft question that is just have a think about it. What if it was only the ditch that was the important part and the bank just the spoil heap from it dumped on the outside and left, rather than spending donkeys more years removing it. It had to be on the outside because the stones were planned for the inside. But, if it was only the bank that was required then the material for that could have been brought in from elsewhere so it may suggest the ditch was the important bit. Does that make sense and a valid point to raise? I've mentioned this elsewhere in the past and met with a varied response.

There has to be a bank and an accompanying ditch for a monument to fit the definition of a henge .If one or the other primary may not be a problem as there are monuments that have banks but no ditch i.e. embanked enclosures , all examples in Ireland the most famous and impressive of which is the Giant's Ring at Ballynahatty .Maes Howe has an obvious ditch and minimal bank ,Duggleby Howe has a ditch and no bank , in these cases the material from the ditch would not be sufficient to create the final monument and were clearly architectural .

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Posted by tiompan
11th December 2010ce

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Re: Line of sight calculator (Sanctuary)

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Re: Line of sight calculator (Sanctuary)

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