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Re: Ball bearings used to build Stonehenge
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Howburn Digger wrote:
Around 400 stone balls have been found in Scotland. Around half of those have no decoration and are sort of "half finished". The finished ones can be incredibly ornate and have all sorts of geometric patterns and ornate knobs and projections.[...]ons/stones/carvedStoneBall.jpg

They tend not to be found in the context of stone circles but in ploughfields. I think the exceptions were these incredible pieces found in the houses at Skara Brae.


Ball bearings? Research Grant? Unbelievable.

Howburn Digger,
I always think bollocks (pardon the pun) to any theory other than fertility where balls, wooden, chalk, or stone are concerned. The better decorated, then the greater the magic, as the work put into them was what mattered. The greater the effort, then the greater the effect, or the reward.

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The Eternal
Posted by The Eternal
19th November 2010ce

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Re: Ball bearings used to build Stonehenge (Howburn Digger)

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