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Re: Ley Lines
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StoneGloves wrote:
No, sheep just follow paths - sheepwalks - whenever they can. We can see them just as easily as they can, but don't look. People do similar things in search of Ogg boots or LP records. Herd instinct, is that produced by a feeling of being safe? Hajj pilgrimage - is that in search of better grazing?

Yes but they also create those paths and it's where they create them which is interesting. There are/were two huge flat fields next to us totalling about 50 acres. Each field used to be divided up into smaller working paddocks but about six weeks ago they removed all the fencing/gateways/posts so that it is now one big area. Now during the main part of the day the sheep congregate on an area closest to the road as they have always done but as the day wears on they make their way down to a stream that runs from our property around the boundary on the one side of this large field.
Now, they are no longer useing the well trodden path which led to the watering hole but have created a new one now that the fences have gone which runs the whole length of the combined fields in a huge arc instead of a direct route which they are now able to take to the same watering hole. The whole area is completely flat so why exactly they have to arc like this instead of going straight is quite odd I feel. Seeing about 200 sheep walking in Indian file down this rapidly forming new path is fascinating to watch. I'm not suggesting for one minute that they are creating a trail that has a 'good feel factor' to it, just wondering why go the roundabout route when you don't have to!

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Posted by Sanctuary
15th November 2010ce

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Re: Ley Lines (StoneGloves)

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Re: Ley Lines (StoneGloves)

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