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Re: More Bono bashing (never enough IMO)
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The Sea Cat wrote:
I completely respect your opinion Ian, but from my viewpoint, his consistent moralising and hectoring isn't accurately reflected in his financial arrangements. It's all rather convenient. Anyway, hopefully we'll just agree to disagree.

Sorry, I missed this yesterday while I was busy getting educated about how great life is for musicians these days now that the music industry is dying. How we laughed.

I hear you. I really do and sorry if my tone broders on the hectoring. I argue for a living. Anyway I just don't get how he is any more of a bad man than Lydon or Iggy who utterly sully their own creative past and rock culture in general with their greedheadedness. And how is Bono worse than any other artist who avoids tax for that matter. Sure he has a lot to say for himself but as Keith says you just can't argue with improving the lives of 2m people. I should be so ethical ....

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Posted by IanB
15th October 2010ce

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Re: More Bono bashing (never enough IMO) (The Sea Cat)

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