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Re: More Bono bashing (never enough IMO)
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sanshee wrote:
I'm not takng the Piss, Keith.

You waded in with a very rude response to my first post

So calling somebody a reactionary isn't rude then?

sanshee wrote:
other than just explaining why you disagree with/or even don't understand it.

Er, I have!

Repeatedly FWIW!!

sanshee wrote:

FWIW, I find loads of 'charitable organisations' a bit questionable.

So do I. But this was about Bono's.

sanshee wrote:

Yeah, which differing the sources?

Try googling it like I did.

sanshee wrote:

No one has actually properly countered the original post from AQK here.

Yes they have.

sanshee wrote:

Certainly not the organisation itself.

Not here they haven't. But then Morrissey hasn't replied to Tone Stone on Unsung either.

But they have issued a statement which I think is quoted here. If not, again, google it.

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Posted by keith a
12th October 2010ce

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