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Re: More Bono bashing (never enough IMO)
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I can see from the other threads there seems to be wanton ignorance as to the nature of the tax status of Bono's ONE.

The news article incorrectly spins ONE as a charity, when in actuality it is a nonprofit that can do charitable work but MUST DISPERSE 50% of its funds for political lobbying.

Many here (proud of their liberal/progressive views) for their overzealous hate for Bono seem to be be willing to stand in line with Rupert Murdoch, who also uses 501(c) for his own political purposes.

Once again this is an issue that plays out larger in the UK than the US, where Murdoch's media empire has great sway.

Bono as an Irishman who has done well and is willing to speak out of line seems to rankle...

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Posted by zphage
8th October 2010ce

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More Bono bashing (never enough IMO) (anthonyqkiernan)

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